God’s hands are on things that are falling apart
When we thought everything is gloom and doom, God is active at work: tearing down the old and building new. Never get discouraged by what I see, always trust in […]
When we thought everything is gloom and doom, God is active at work: tearing down the old and building new. Never get discouraged by what I see, always trust in […]
They are acts of obedience to God’s commandments. But without the help of the Holy Spirit, we don’t have power to obey.
You need to put it into work: practice your faith. If you have faith, you have to work it out.
There are two types of God’s presence: one is invisible and happens inside of us through the Holy Spirit; the other is visible when God comes down to the earth […]
No discipline is pleasant, but it does produce the peaceful fruit of righteousness. The ones who went through God’s father-like discipline, are indeed blessed. A short- term unpleasant experience is […]
(2Corinthian 5:17) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. A new creation is a total recreation. God doesn’t repair or renovate our life, HE destroys totally […]
HIS presence does not always bring blessings. HIS presence also destroys and recreates. To those who are qualified, God’s presence brings blessings. To those who don’t fear HIM, who are […]
Matt 5:20: “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” This […]
God talks to us through situations. Whenever things happen, pray and ask God if it was HE wanting to speak to you. For example, if we studied very hard but […]